Al Sancak Episode 19 Release Date? What will happen in Al Sancak new episode?

Al Sancak Episode 18 English Subtitle release date will be on Wednesday, June 8th at 21:00. This article contains spoilers for the TRT1‘s television series Al Sancak Episode 18 English subtitle and coordinates the movement date and where to watch the web.

Al Sancak Episode 19 Summary

Al Sancak Episode 18 Summary

Captain Ali and Claw Team are forced to make a very difficult decision by Boran. On the one hand, there is the life of Nadia and Süleyman, on the other, the security of the country. If he accepts Ali Boran’s terms, the atomic bomb will set off on an irreversible path, eventually hitting Turkey round and round. Ali Captain makes a terrific move that no one dares to get out of this pressure. Bomb expert Mustafa orders Sergeant Major to activate the timed atomic bomb. Mustafa fulfills the order and the countdown begins. Will Claw Team be able to save Nadia and Solomon from the Octopus in this tight time and escape from the impact area of ​​the 18 km radius bomb? Race against time in the crazy plan The race against time begins. The risk of death in the operation is very high. Revealed Nadia, He is set out to be questioned by the Octopus before the execution. Solomon is with him. The outside of the facility where Claw Team is stuck is full of Boran’s men. Ali finds a way and goes out with Sabri. He goes after Nadia and Süleyman. Will Captain Ali be able to save the woman he loves and the honorable veteran from the hands of the treacherous organization?

Al Sancak Episode 17 Summary

After Ali’s implicit confession, Nadia and Ali’s relationship will gain dimension. Stating that he likes Nadia, Ali is torn between duty and love, and what decisions will he make in the next process? The death knell is ringing for Elizabeth! After their research, Sacit and Ali learn that Elizabeth is not Gülseren. Nadia realizes that Sacit and Ali’s suspicions are true. Elizabeth is not his real mother. What will Nadia do now? Great victory for Boran! Nadia, who is operating with Süleyman, who replaces the bomb expert who died, is in great risk. Boran and Elizabeth have taken the bait, and just as the operation will be successful, Elizabeth realizes that Nadia has solved the case. Elizabeth calls Boran and tells him that Nadia knows the truth. Boran instantly takes Nadia and Süleyman captive. Unaware of everything, Ali and Claw Tim, who set up a trap for Boran, are shocked to see Nadia and Süleyman as captives. What will Ali do now?

Al Sancak Episode 16 Summary

Nadia saves Ali’s life Nadia saves Ali’s life by avoiding Boran at the last moment. She then joins Boran’s team, she. Elizabeth and Boran are sure that Ali is dead. This situation becomes the new trump card of the headquarters. Ali is shown as a martyr. This will take advantage of the complacency of the enemy. Octopus prepares to make the last big hit, and the team prepares to strike the final blow. Tim and Nadia now realize that they have come to the end of the road. Will Ali’s plan work? Octopus presses the button Octopus presses the button for the sale of nuclear weapons from the cold war era, which he reaches through microfilm. Elizabeth asks Nadia to take delivery of the uranium to be combined with the atomic bomb. Since Boran is after her children, Nadia goes to the Middle East instead. The headquarters, which knew everything from the very beginning, What kind of game will he play against the octopus? Sacit Commander’s new plan! Sacit Commander is determined to solve the big game. He puts his testing idea into practice to find out if Elizabeth is really Gülseren. Will Sacit be able to reach Gülseren’s true identity?

Al Sancak Episode 15 Summary

Shocked by the simultaneous shooting of Elizabeth and Ali, Nadia is left in a state of extreme boredom. Ali on one side and Elizabeth on the other. Who will Nadia go to help first? Is it the end of the road for Boran? Boran, cornered by the Claw Team, is captured. Boran, who was brought to Turkey after being caught, encounters Sacit. What will Sacit do when confronted with Gülseren’s murderer? What will happen between Asli and Selim? Due to Boran’s capture, Claw Team organizes a party. While there are pleasant moments, Selim now opens his feelings to Aslı. What will Asli answer to Selim? Ali Captain is cornered Caught Boran does not speak. Ali Captain thinks that his children must be found for Boran to speak. In this way, he will save the children from Boran, and it will make Boran talk. After the location of the house is determined, Ali goes to the operation alone. Finding Boran’s children, Ali encounters an unexpected surprise and falls into the hands of the enemy and is tortured. How will Ali survive?

Al Sancak Episode 14 Summary

Ali Yüzbaşı’s move upsets the balance Ali Yüzbaşı makes an unexpected, new move against Octopus. The offer he makes to the enemy is of the kind that will shake the balance. In return for handing over the microfilm from the necklace at the center of the operation, the intelligence personnel held captive by the terrorist organization demands Emre. But it will not be easy to take Emre from the organization. Will Ali and Nadia be able to save Emre from captivity as a result of the operation that Boran will have to participate in? Will Captain Ali be able to get rid of the pressure he is in?

Elizabeth and Boran plan to kill Captain Ali after obtaining the microfilm containing the location information of the nuclear weapons from the cold war era. Will Captain Ali realize the trap set for him? Elizabeth, Is she really Nadia’s mother? Çelebi will investigate whether Gülseren is really dead by order of Sacit. Sacit believes that Elizabeth’s mystery will be solved as a result of this research. Is Elizabeth, as she claims, Nadia’s mother Gülseren Turnalı? Nadia is caught between Ali and Elizabeth. Nadia tries to understand Ali’s changing attitude in the process. Ali receives a clear order from the Sacit Commander to catch Elizabeth. Nadia asks Ali for time to put her mother on the right track. When this request is not accepted, the ropes are stretched. Nadia is torn between Ali and Elizabeth. Confronted as a result of the conflict, will Ali and Nadia be able to overcome this great crisis without damaging their relationship? He believes that Elizabeth’s mystery will be solved as a result of this research. Is Elizabeth, as she claims, Nadia’s mother Gülseren Turnalı?

Nadia is caught between Ali and Elizabeth. Nadia tries to understand Ali’s changing attitude in the process. Ali receives a clear order from the Sacit Commander to catch Elizabeth. Nadia asks Ali for time to put her mother on the right track. When this request is not accepted, the ropes are stretched. Nadia is torn between Ali and Elizabeth. Confronted as a result of the conflict, will Ali and Nadia be able to overcome this great crisis without damaging their relationship? He believes that Elizabeth’s mystery will be solved as a result of this research. Is Elizabeth, as she claims, Nadia’s mother Gülseren Turnalı? Nadia is caught between Ali and Elizabeth. Nadia tries to understand Ali’s changing attitude in the process. Ali receives a clear order from the Sacit Commander to catch Elizabeth. Nadia asks Ali for time to put her mother on the right track. When this request is not accepted, the ropes are stretched. Nadia is torn between Ali and Elizabeth.

Confronting as a result of the conflict, will Ali and Nadia be able to get through this great crisis without their relations damaged? He asks Ali for time to turn his mother on the right path. When this request is not accepted, the ropes are stretched. Nadia is torn between Ali and Elizabeth. Confronting as a result of the conflict, will Ali and Nadia be able to get through this great crisis without their relations damaged? He asks Ali for time to turn his mother on the right path. When this request is not accepted, the ropes are stretched. Nadia is torn between Ali and Elizabeth. Confronting as a result of the conflict, will Ali and Nadia be able to get through this great crisis without their relations damaged?

Al Sancak Episode 13 Summary

“Hard days for Nadia!” Nadia, who lived in prison during the official informant period with the decision of Sacit Pasha, cannot meet with Ali during this time. What awaits Nadia, who has regained her freedom at the end of 44 days, in her new life? What awaits Nadia and Ali, who meet after 44 days? ”The Claw Team is after Emre” Intelligence personnel Emre was kidnapped during an operation and taken prisoner by the organization. To save Emre, Claw Team organizes an operation in an overseas country. What surprises await the Claw Team, which raided a large organization camp? ”Nadia’s new life” Coming out of prison, Nadia takes her breath at Ali Captain’s house. Hearing that Nadia has been freed, Elizabeth demands the necklace. Will Nadia give Elizabeth the necklace with great secrets inside? ”Ali face to face with the enemies” All the plans of Boran and Elizabeth, who went to meet with Nadia to seize the necklace, are interrupted by Ali’s clever plan. How will they react to this confrontation when they see Ali in front of them? What will be the next plan of Ali, who takes a big risk?

Al Sancak Episode 12 Summary

Claw Team, stuck in a corner, demands the building they are in to be shot, while Boran manages to escape from the place where he is being held. Will Eylul Capt. agree to shoot? “Eagle Nine. Shoot the building we are in!” Claw Team and Nadia, who are cornered as a result of the terrorists’ sudden raid on the building, cannot resist this disproportionate attack any longer and all their ammunition is exhausted. Ali Captain demands that the building they are in be hit with the F-16 as a last resort. What will Combat Pilot Eylul Capt., who is helpless in the face of this request, do? Does Boran survive the attack? Turning the crisis into an opportunity as a result of the attack, Boran escapes from the place where he was held. However, terrorists await him outside. Boran is confronted with an organization that does not know him. What will he do now? “We are not prisoners! ” Although Eylul Captain states that it is not appropriate to throw a bomb on the building, Cengiz Captain convinces him to shoot. Because if Claw Squad gets out, he’ll be taken prisoner. However, Claw Team is sworn to drink the sherbet of Martyrdom instead of being a prisoner.

Emotional farewell from Ali and Nadia Although Captain Ali says that Nadia still has a chance and that the terrorists will not kill her, Nadia refuses to go. An emotional farewell takes place between Nadia and Ali, who says she wants to die with Captain Ali. On the other hand, Claw Team asks for halal from each other. Can Claw Team survive the attack? Although she says that Nadia still has an opportunity and that the terrorists will not kill her, Nadia refuses to go. An emotional farewell takes place between Nadia and Ali, who says she wants to die with Captain Ali. On the other hand, Claw Team asks for halal from each other.

Al Sancak Episode 11 Summary

As Claw Squad and Octopus engage in a new confrontation, Nadia must make a decision at a major crossroads. Boran’s brand new game! While Claw Team is making a new plan to capture Boran alive, which Lilith came and rescued at the last moment, Boran does not stay idle and starts to set up a very dangerous game. Ali confronts his brother Sedef All the while, Sedef confronts her brother about what she heard when she was the prisoner of Octopus. How will this confrontation affect the two brothers’ relationship? The merciless showdown of Claw Team and Octopus! Claw Team and Octopus once again engage in a conflict surrounded by mind games and wrist power. 

This conflict brings Ali and Boran face to face again, and the two’s relentless showdown continues with the inclusion of Nadia, moving to a completely different dimension. What will be Nadia’s decision? Two major crossroads appear in front of Nadia, who acquires information that will turn her life upside down. It will be very difficult for Nadia to choose the path she will take. Because in both cases, he will have to pay a very heavy price and change the realities of his life from beginning to end. Claw Squad and Nadia reuniting? After all this, Claw Team will meet with Nadia under unexpected circumstances. So what will this encounter lead to? He will meet with Nadia under unexpected circumstances. So what will this encounter lead to? He will meet with Nadia under unexpected circumstances. So what will this encounter lead to?

Al Sancak Episode 10 Summary

While Boran embarks on a dangerous action that threatens the life of the whole team, Captain Ali will set up a big game to find his brother Sedef. Claw Team’s life is in danger! Nadia’s shooting of Ali in front of the whole team will undoubtedly cause her credibility to be questioned by the team. On the other hand, Boran, who has not yet closed his account with the Claw Team, will attempt an action that will threaten the life of the entire team once again and even kill them all in front of Nadia’s eyes. Will Nadia be able to stop Boran’s action? Boran’s new target is Nadia! Boran, who received orders from Thomas to kill Mithat Sargon and his entire team; He killed Mithat, it was Nadia’s turn. Will Nadia be able to get rid of Boran? Captain Ali, He is making a big game to save his brother Sedef…

Captain Ali, who learns that Sedef has been kidnapped, will mobilize to find his brother and will encounter a surprise move. Promising to his mother that he will save Sedef safely, Ali will not hesitate to risk his life to keep this promise and will set up a big game. Moreover, an unexpected player will accompany him in this game. Sedef will take a big risk to save both Cihangir’s daughter and her own life. All the balances are turned upside down While all this is going on, a mysterious name that Thomas will meet will upset all the balances. In fact, this name is the person who will decide the fate of Nadia, the last survivor of Mithat’s team. Nadia, who went to meet this person, He will encounter such a surprise that he will have to question all the truths he knows and his already chaotic world will become even more blurred. The name of the informant for Sedef’s life! Boran, on the other hand, will ask Ali for the name of the informant in exchange for Sedef’s life. Ali, who has to give the name of the informant to Boran, will take a big risk with Sacit General. So how will the balances change at the end of this risky move?

Al Sancak Episode 9 Summary

While Sedef is Boran’s target, Claw Team and Nadia are face to face. Sedef is on Boran’s target! Successful operations by Special Forces force the Octopus organization to take radical decisions. Entering the new equation as quickly as his name, Boran puts Ali Captain’s brother, Prosecutor Sedef Banazlı, as his first target. Will Ali be able to protect his family from the looming danger? The helicopter carrying the key name of the National Defense Industry, Professor Cihangir Yılmaz, who was kidnapped by the Octopus during the Claw Team operation, makes a forced landing on the border line, creating a new crisis for Octopus. This development is a great opportunity for Claw Team to save the hostage. 

Sacit Commander, who manages the operation, mobilizes all possibilities to seize this opportunity. Will Nadia find out about her mother’s fate? Mithat, He gives Nadia and Amy the task of picking up the professor and transporting him safely to Octopus’ science base. Octopus, who put Boran on the field, lives his own internal calculation through Mithat. The information that has been revealed is vital to Nadia. Will Nadia be able to find out about her mother’s fate? Claw Team and Nadia face off! After the duo, Captain Ali and Claw Team set out for the crime scene. Tim is unaware of Nadia’s presence in the area. This situation is pregnant with new surprises. How will Claw Team react when they meet Nadia? Will Ali Captain and Cihangir be able to get out of this pressure? Mithat plays his last card to get his revenge on Claw Team. With Boran’s involvement, the border line turns into a big conflict area where everyone shares their trump card. Ali Captain; Will he be able to get his team and Cihangir out of this hell?

Al Sancak Episode 8 Summary

While Ali’s plan, which includes Nadia, comes into play, Mithat begins to lose his power after receiving a blow from the Octopus. Emerging out of nowhere, Boran Karadeli begins to have a say in Mithat’s region and takes steps to carry out a big and bloody action. Ali’s grand plan! Amy and Nadia, who kidnapped Thomas, were raided by the Claw Squad and it was a mess. Thanks to this raid, Captain Ali’s plan will come into play and they will follow a new strategy woven with mind games so that Nadia is not included in this plan. The Claw Team, who saved Thomas from them, will make an unexpected move and confuse them even more. Claw Team, After allowing Nadia and Amy to escape from there, they will be one step closer to hunting the Octopus thanks to their surprising move with Thomas.

Boran Karadeli is after a big and bloody action After all, Mithat, who has completely lost his reputation in the eyes of Octopus, will receive a blow from the organization and will face a bad surprise. Because now someone else will have a say in the region handed over to him; Boran Karadeli! Boran Karadeli, who has carried out great bloody actions all over the world, will enter Turkish territory with a big and bloody action and will upset all the balances. Ali’s view of Nadia is changing. Nadia has entered a period where she will be more open to Ali Captain than ever before. Thanks to what he learned from Nadia, Ali looks at her with a different eye for the first time, not as an informant. Storm, Will he be able to get what he wants from Ali? After the failures of Mithat, the fearless fieldman Boran Karadeli, brought into action by Octopus, will take his breath away from Ali and will attack fearlessly to learn both his life and the name of the informant from him. Will Boran, who does not return from any action empty-handed, get what he wants from Ali Captain?

Al Sancak Episode 7 Summary

While Claw Team is ready to sacrifice his life for thousands of innocents, Mithat Sargon is after new plans and new goals. On the other hand; Thanks to Nadia, Ali will learn that Mithat is Atilla’s murderer. Claw Team’s challenging task Claw Team, which took action to stop the octopus’ bloody operation, found itself in a very difficult task. However, every member of the team is ready to sacrifice his own life in order to save the lives of thousands of innocents.

Sedef and Berna, Mithat Sargon, who does not hesitate to take the lives of anyone whom Mithat sees as a threat to his existence, plans to assassinate Berna through Amy. However, he is still unaware of whether this action will put Berna or himself in trouble. Another name Sargon’s target is Sedef. However, instead of acting quickly to get rid of the threat of Sedef, he has a much different plan. How will the fate of Mithat and Nadia confrontation end? Nadia, who went to face Mithat, took precautions because she knew that she would not come to his invitation alone, but Mithat knows Nadia very well. What will be the result of Mithat and Nadia’s confrontation?

Ali learns about Atilla’s murderer! Mithat Sargon will not hesitate to play big games to regain his lost reputation with the Octopus.

Al Sancak Plot, Story, Synopsis

Claw Team Commander Captain Ali Banazli gathers his team with a sudden intelligence. According to the intelligence from a suspicious source using the code name “Beyaz Melek”, a very important meeting will take place on an island abroad, and a large network that provides arms and financing to the organizations will come together with the ringleader terrorists. If the Claw Team is successful, it will not only eliminate the national security threat to Turkey but also will be one step closer to the murderers of Atilla Captain, who was martyred recently.

A surprise awaits the Claw Team in the operation where there is a fierce struggle. The enemy is much more numerous than you think. As the operation continues under difficult conditions, Captain Ali comes face to face with a mysterious arms dealer named Nadia. What will happen after this encounter will put Ali Captain on a very difficult path.

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