Gupse Özay is 6 months pregnant! Barış Arduç was tagged as the most handsome father

Gupse Özay and Barış Arduç met on the set of the movie Deliha, in which they played the leading roles, and began to have a love affair. The famous couple crowned their long-term relationship with marriage in 2020. Özay and Arduç got married in a simple ceremony held in İzmir Çeşme.

Barış Arduç

The duo, who are shown among the exemplary couples of the tabloid world with their happy marriages, were also frequently on the agenda with their ‘child’ news.

Arduç previously answered the reporters’ questions about the ‘baby’ and said, “Everyone has a love for children. We also want children, but there is a time for everything. Let’s get things done first, then we have a plan for a child. Why not? Our child is born in Turkey.” Özay also said in her statement on the subject, “I want to be a mother very much.”

Gupse Özay and Barış Arduç

It turned out that she was 6 MONTHS PREGNANCY

Good news came from the actor couple, who lived their relationship out of sight, and it was revealed that Gupse Özay was 6 months pregnant. On the other hand, it was claimed that the gender of the baby of the famous couple was ‘girl’.

Gupse Özay and Barış Arduç 2


Famous actor Barış Arduç, who has been on the agenda for a long time with the news that he will be a father, was discussed this time through social media sharing. Unlike her colleagues, the actor, who does not use social media very actively, shared a post weeks later. Arduç, whose followers insisted on “Share more”, presented his garden poses to his followers.

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The famous actor, who was seen very pleasantly in the photos in question, rained comments from his followers.

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“The most handsome of the fathers”, and “Handsome father has come” comments were made for Arduç, who was preparing to become a father.

Barış Arduç 4

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