Aile Episode 13 Release Date? What will happen in Aile new episode?

Aile Episode 13 English Subtitle release date will be on Wednesday, May 30th at 21:00. This article contains spoilers for the Show TV‘s television series Aile Episode 13 English subtitle and coordinates the movement date and where to watch on the web.

Aile Episode 13 Summary

Planning to kill Aslan after Hülya’s decision, İlyas encounters a big surprise. Just before the mutual guns explode, Ilyas gives Aslan a big clue about the adoption secret and the family’s bloody past. Now Aslan has only one question in mind. Is it true what İlyas said?

Learning that the man she loves has come face to face with death, Devin tells Aslan that she is pregnant. Aslan is very happy with the news, but Devin is determined not to give birth to this baby. Aslan will try to prove to Devin that it is possible to start a new life with his babies.

A phone call from Kıymet activates Hülya. On the other hand, Aslan begins to operate his plan to find out who the adopted child is.

The truth that emerges when Aslan learns who the adopted child is, deeply shakes Aslan and Hülya’s relationship. On the other hand, Cihan also learns this truth. She goes to Devin’s clinic. After what happened at the clinic, Devin decides to end his therapy sessions.

When everyone comes together for Yağmur and Eko’s request ceremony, all the secrets come to light one by one. At the end of a great discussion, Hülya; He tells Aslan that Devin and Cihan had secret sessions from him for months.

Now it’s Aslan and Cihan’s turn to face off. The confrontation that will take place that night between the two brothers turns into a big showdown with the revealing of bloody secrets of the family; The family will be dragged towards great destruction.

Now everyone is at a turning point that will turn their lives upside down.

Aile Episode 12 Summary

After the explosion in the cemetery, the condition of Aysel and her baby is critical. Continuing his war from where he left off, İlyas corners Hülya about making a choice between her sons.

While Hülya and İbo are looking for a new way to stop İlyas, Aslan sets up a plan to make his family pay the price. Moreover, Aslan will be together with Cihan in this plan. On the other hand, Ilyas’s target is Devin.
Hülya, who has to give an answer to İlyas in order to protect her family, ultimately makes a choice between her sons.

Elijah; He is now ready to deliver the final blow to end his war with the robbers. He comes face to face with the name Hülya gave him. I wonder which son Hulya gave the name? Is it the world? Is it a lion? Is he his own child? Or his adopted son?

Aile Episode 11 Summary

In front of the robbers, there is a Lion who has now turned into his father. Knowing that nothing will be the same after this, Aslan shows Devin the last exit before the bridge to protect him from himself.

Now Devin will either leave this family without looking back or stay with Aslan and become a part of this family. Devin has to make a decision. On the other hand, Hülya realizes that her son is blind and takes action to prevent the war they will enter with İlyas.
Aslan, who confronted İlyas and told him all the truth, started the war between the two families; İlyas swears to make the life of Soykans hell. Hülya and Devin will be the first to fall into her net.

Hülya, who wants to protect her family, knocks on İlyas’ door. İlyas, who knows the big secret about the past of the Soykans, forces Hülya to make the most difficult choice of her life in return for not touching her family.

After Ati’s death, a police investigation is initiated. While the whole family, especially Devin, should have given false statements about the night of the incident; Devin continues to face the harsh realities of being Soykan. Will Devin stay with the family and give false testimony after all he’s been through? Or will he burn the ships and take the whole family against him?

In the face of the choice that İlyas forced her, Hülya takes a decision that will affect everyone’s destiny; İlyas takes action to make his main move on this decision. A major event that will take place on the anniversary of Yusuf Soykan’s death will bring the Soykans face to face with death.

Aile Episode 10 Summary

After the sudden arrival of Ilyas, the Soykans were faced with a great danger; İlyas begins to investigate the reason for his son’s sudden disappearance. It’s only a matter of time before the truth comes out.

While Aslan is trying to protect his family from İlyas; On the other hand, he struggles not to become his father. Suspecting that the lawyer’s wife is not dead, Hülya takes action to solve this case from the root.

Devin comes to the rescue of his mother, who was thrown out of her house by her father. Neşe, who is now homeless, starts to live on the farm for a while; Devin will come to terms with his father by playing the game according to Soykan rules.

The argument that will arise after Leyla tells the whole family about her divorce decision at the family dinner causes great confrontations. On the other hand, Cihan, who thinks he has nothing to lose, learns that Aysel is pregnant.

Following the arrows of doubt in his son’s death, İlyas finally finds a trace. On the other hand, Hülya, whose dominance over her family is shaken, gives Devin a great lesson; Aslan, who learns Ati’s dark ambitions on Ceylan, will now darken his eyes. I wonder if the spirit of Yusuf Soykan, whom he has been running away from for years, will now take Aslan prisoner?

Aile Episode 9 Summary

Serhat’s death is the beginning of a great war for the Soykans. Serhat’s lawyer, Suat, learns all that happened and threatens to tell everything to İlyas.

While Aslan continues to cooperate with Cihan to solve this problem; The two brothers go after Suat. However, when they find it, they will encounter a surprise that will change all their plans. On the other hand, Hülya, who learns that Serhat is dead, has to cooperate with İbo again to protect the family. Differences of opinion on this issue will bring Aslan and Hülya face to face. Despite all this, while returning to the farm with Devin and Yağmur for the safety of the Aslan family; Hülya’s dominance over the family continues to be shaken. The struggle between Hülya and Devin is now much bigger.

Devin questions whether he had a share in Serhat’s death; İlyas Koruzade confronts the truth. When he realizes that İlyas is a great danger for Aslan and Yağmur, he starts to worry. Devin’s attempt to find an outlet, while causing irreversible changes in his soul; For the first time, he thinks like a Soykan and gives an idea that will affect Aslan’s plan. Aslan, who has been struggling for five years not to become his father; Attorney Suat looks for a way to get rid of the threat without getting his hands dirty. On the other hand, Soykans gather together for Kaya’s circumcision wedding.

However, with an unexpected guest who came to the wedding, Devin is now entering the circle of Soykan, which he has not entered until now; The Soykans will come face to face with the danger of İlyas Koruzade. However, with an unexpected guest who came to the wedding, Devin is now entering the circle of Soykan, which he has not entered until now; The Soykans will come face to face with the danger of İlyas Koruzade. However, with an unexpected guest who came to the wedding, Devin is now entering the circle of Soykan, which he has not entered until now; The Soykans will come face to face with the danger of İlyas Koruzade.

Aile Episode 8 Summary

While Serhat’s release puts him on Devin’s scales of justice; A question from Aslan will make Devin make a decision that will change everyone’s fate.

Hülya takes action to protect her family. Lion; All evidence must be destroyed before we learn about Serhat. Hülya compels Cihan to help her in this matter. At the end of the week, Aslan finds out that it was Serhat who hurt Yağmur. Things have now gotten into an unbearable state. “Ignoring oppression is a betrayal of the oppressed.” For Aslan, who grew up with his teachings, the punishment to be imposed on Serhat is clear. However, Devin and Hülya will stand against Aslan with their own truth. While what happened on an evening when Yağmur went out to improve his morale, caused a big confrontation between Devin and Yağmur; Eko, who is now sure that something is being hidden from her, pursues the truth.

While Hülya cooperates with İbo for the abduction of Serhat abroad; Cihan also has to be a part of this cooperation. However, the possibilities that Hülya does not take into account turn all her plans upside down. While Serhat’s release puts him on Devin’s scales of justice; A question from Aslan will make Devin make a decision that will change everyone’s fate. What will Devin decide?

Aile Episode 7 Summary

After an argument at the table, Aslan and Devin’s marriage hit a stalemate. The couple comes to the point of divorce as Devin packs her things and leaves the house.

In this process, Aslan, who gives himself to work, takes action to sell the casinos abroad. However, this brings him face-to-face with his business partner, Serhat Koruzade. On the other hand, Hülya does not support this decision taken by Aslan. He cooperates with Ibo so that his relations with the Koruzades do not deteriorate. Hülya will also learn about Yağmur’s connection with Serhat.
Devin takes a break from going to the clinic during this period. While this situation affects Cihan the most; Cihan, who wants to continue his sessions from where he left off, will try every way.

Although Aslan and Devin meet weeks later due to an unexpected event, they do not take any steps to reconcile. That night, however, their relationship will once again be put to the test, thanks to their feelings for each other.

Serhat starts to follow Yağmur, who is the only eyewitness to the murder he committed in İzmir. With Ati’s help, he finds Yağmur’s home address. Now a great struggle awaits Yağmur. On the other hand, Hülya, who reaches the evidence that Yağmur wants about her escort past, will reveal the truth, and this will put the whole family, especially Aslan, and Devin, in new danger.

Aile Episode 6 Summary

With Devin and Aslan starting to live on the farm, Hülya takes action to show that she has power over the family.

He introduces Devin to Soykan rules. Devin, who thinks that these rules violate his own freedom, comes face to face with Hülya.

Aslan plans an evening alone with Devin. The night they spend together in Volta, Devin brings Aslan face to face with a reality that he has not been able to face until now, and it will change all the balance.

After the fire, Ibo enters into a new fight with Aslan and makes a big move. He will confront Aslan with his greatest fear, the letter Yusuf Soykan left to his son. However, Aslan is not the only one shaken by the memories of his father. Cihan knocks on Devin’s door with the same feelings. While Devin is good for Cihan in this regard; It will hurt Aslan.

On the other hand, Ati, continues to operate the dark plan he set up behind Aslan. He gets closer to Ceylan at the party he invites. The person Yağmur encounters at the same party will cause the dark notebooks of the past to be opened for both Yağmur and Soykans.

While a big fight between Devin and Hülya at a family dinner heralds the storm that will break out, Aslan witnesses this fight. Opposite Devin is a Leo he hasn’t met before. And now it’s Devin’s turn to face it.

Aile Episode 5 Summary

With the gun attack on the farm, Devin needs the support of only one person as he goes through perhaps the most difficult days of his life: Aslan.

But instead of Aslan, he finds himself with an army of bodyguards. Hülya, on the other hand, increases the pressure on her family members, especially Devin. Security on the farm is maximized until whoever orchestrated the attack is found.

As she confronts the darkness of the Soykan family, Devin begins to question the truths she believes in Aslan, and knocks on Cihan’s door to find an answer. While trying to get to know Aslan, he will also meet the darkness within himself.

Aslan’s focus is on finding the person who shot Eko. Anyone who might benefit from this attack is suspect to Aslan.

Finally, the curtain falls… Aslan finds out who the attacker is. Now is the time for revenge. However, Devin asks Aslan to promise not to turn this into a vendetta. Dream; As he works out his plans to bring Aslan and Devin to the farm, will Aslan be able to keep his promise to Devin?

Aile Episode 4 Summary

Aslan and Devin find themselves on the brink of separation after their relationship has come to a dead end. When they finally face the feelings they cannot resist, it is inevitable to make peace; The couple takes the first steps toward marriage. However, Devin also has a condition in return for the prepared marriage contract. One big condition…

The sudden news of the marriage causes great repercussions on the farm. Faced with her greatest fear, Hülya uses her strongest trump card to prevent this wedding: Cihan, who persuaded Devin to therapy while they were apart from Aslan. There is no doubt that Cihan will be one of the most important guests at this wedding.

On the other hand, Ibo tries to dominate the family by using vulnerability on the farm as an excuse. Realizing that he was tricked by Aslan, Ati confronts Aslan. Now both Igbo and Ati are bombs for Aslan with the pin pulled.

And finally… At Soykan farm, drums and zurnas begin to be played! While Devin and Aslan are uniting their lives, an unexpected event at the wedding introduces Devin to the darkness of the Soykan family, of which he is now a part.

Aile Episode 3 Summary

Hülya, who is aware of the marriage proposal, has a marriage contract drawn up for Aslan and Devin to protect her family. While this contract brings him face-to-face with Aslan; On the other hand, he will push Aslan to take his own precautions for this marriage.

After Devin’s proposal, Aslan and Devin decide to get to know each other better. A crisis on the farm brings Aslan to Devin’s potential; An unpleasant event to happen the next night introduces Devin to Aslan’s dark side. Although the events cause Aslan and Devin to question their relationship, neither of them can resist each other.

When Aslan learns that Ati has agreed with İbo for the documentary project, this situation ignites a war as he takes action to break the partnership of the duo.

With Hülya’s secret guidance, Devin welcomes an unexpected visitor in her clinic: Cihan. The reason for this visit leaves Devin on the verge of a big decision. Cihan needs a psychologist.

Hülya, who is aware of the marriage proposal, has a marriage contract drawn up for Aslan and Devin to protect her family. While this contract brings him face to face with Aslan; On the other hand, he will push Aslan to take his own precautions for this marriage. However, this measure, which will destroy all of Devin’s values, will put their relationship to a great test.

Aile Episode 2 Summary

Devin’s arrival at the table is enough for Hülya to see him as a threat. Hülya decides to apply the tactic she knows best: keeping her friends close and her enemies closer… As a first step, she invites Devin to an event of the association she is the founder of.

Aslan’s focus is to get his family out of illegal business. One of the most important steps of this operation is; is to become a partner in the company of young businessman Atilla Özyılmaz.

A helping hand from Cihan reaches out to Aysel, who had an accident. Hülya, on the other hand, has to sit at the same table with Cihan in order to end Aslan and Devin’s relationship at the beginning of the road.

Devin takes a decision after what happened at the event he attended with Hülya. But on the first night, he spends with Aslan, he is faced with the move that Aslan never expected, while succumbing to the attraction between them. Between the two, the ropes come to the breaking point. However, what happens at a surprise dinner table, where they come together, pushes Devin to make a big decision about his life. This decision will be the most important breaking point in Aslan and Devin’s journeys.

Aile Episode 1 Summary

The encounter on the Izmir plane will be only the beginning of the difficult road that our wounded heroes will take to establish their own families.

“The story of lonely children who are wrongly loved…”

The table is the only place that reminds the Soykans that they are ‘family’. That day, while a table is being set for the whole family to gather, Aslan is on the Izmir plane to solve one of his ‘dark’ affairs regarding his uncle.
Psychologist Devin and Aslan’s paths cross on this journey. Devin is also going to Izmir to deal with a new trouble that his sister has gotten into. It is very clear that they are people of different worlds. But it doesn’t take long for them to discover their common ‘wound’; their families.

Aslan breaks a very important rule of the Soykan Constitution for Devin from the very first night. This is enough for her mother Hülya, who feels an obsessive attachment to Aslan, to realize the great danger that is approaching; Devin.

Hülya’s job, who has shown many times before that she can do everything to prevent her son from getting away from the family, will not be as easy as before this time.

However, Hülya is not the only one whose job is not easy. The encounter on the Izmir plane will be only the beginning of the difficult road that our wounded heroes will take to establish their own families.

Aile Plot, Story, Synopsis

Aile is the story of Aslan who is the son of a large family and runs a nightclub. An extremely shrewd man. He is a dark and mysterious character. Psychologist Devin will enter the life of this difficult man and it becomes intense.

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