Hande Ercel broke the record! Competing with world stars

Hande Erçel, who has recently come to the fore with her lover and co-star in Sen Çal Kapımı, Kerem Bürsin, is increasing her power in social media. The number of followers on Instagram of the famous actress has reached 27 million.

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After the TV series “Sen Çal Kapımı” was broadcast in 85 countries around the world, Hande Erçel became a real-world star. Erçel also increased the number of followers on social media.

Hande Ercel broke the record! Competing with world stars 3

The number of followers of Hande Erçel on Instagram reached 27 million and on Twitter 650 thousand. With this figure, Hande Erçel left many Hollywood actors and famous singers behind.

Hande Erçel still hasn’t determined her new project after the TV series Sen Çal Kapımı ended. The famous star, who said that there were scenarios she read, said that she wanted to portray inspiring characters with her stance from now on. It is stated that Hande Erçel is still in talks with Disney Plus.

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