K-Pop star Daud Kim converted to Islam and went to Umrah

Daud Kim, a member of the group called Traxx, was on the agenda with his posts. The star, who announced that he was a Muslim in the past years, changed his name from Jay Kim to Daud Kim.

A member of the group called TraxX, Kim is known for his videos on YouTube where he conveys the experiences of South Korean Muslims. Daud Kim, who went to Umrah for the first time since he announced that he was a Muslim, shared photos from his Instagram account with the note “The luckiest person in the world”. The K-pop star said, “Finally, I came to Mecca. I am the luckiest person because Allahu ta’ala chose me and brought me here.”

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“I prayed for all Muslims”

Saying that he prays for all Muslims, Kim added, “I am grateful for this opportunity.”

The singer, who congratulated everyone on the month of Ramadan, said, “Thank God, thank you for giving me the chance to come to the holiest city in the world. I prayed for all Muslims. May Allah forgive our sins. May Allah accept our prayers.”

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Stating that he was targeted for changing his religion, Kim said that this ironically “strengthened her faith”.

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