Sahin Tepesi − Falcon Crest (TV Series – 2018)

Sahin Tepesi (English title: Falcon Crest) Gioberti ailesinin maceralarını konu alan bir dizidir. Lorenzo Lamas, bu dizi ile ünlenmiştir. 1981-1990 yılları arasında yayınlanmıştır. Bölüm sayısı 227’dir. Ayrıca bu dizinin başrollerinde eski ABD başkanı Ronald Reagan’ın eski eşi Jane Wyman, Lana Turner, Gina Lollobrigida Rod Taylor, Cesar Romero, Mel Ferrer, gibi ünlüler paylaşmıştır.

Sahin Tepesi Synopsis

The episode starts in the perfume company that will be the centre point of the series. Tuna
(Zerrin Tekindor) is leaving work. She is in charge of the company and obviously a
successful one as she makes her way home to a beautiful house in a chaueur driven car.
On arriving home she meets with Mithat Satin, her Uncle who also is invested in the
business. Tuna wants him to sell a branch of the company Seb-i Verda she says its losing
money but he refuses, saying over my dead body.

Meanwhile, Tuna’s daughter Deniz (Leyla Tanlar) is sneaking to meet her lover Mete who is
the son of the family’s servants. She meets him at a cottage in the grounds. While they are
together Uncle Mithat sees them through the window and goes in to confront them. They
argue and Deniz pushes her uncle who falls and hits his head. He dies. Deniz panics and
runs to her Mum who is in her oce readjusting a bracelet that will play a big part in the
future storyline. She tells her Mum and they both go back to the cottage. Tuna takes
charge and they both drag his body to the edge of the lake and roll him in. Deniz is in a
state and Tuna tells her she must not say a word to anyone about what happened. Deniz
tells her Mum that her uncle thought she was a burglar and he jumped on her so she

pushed him o and he fell. She never mentions she was with Mete. As they are disposing
of his body we see someone lming them.

Tuna has a right-hand man called Yilmaz. He is not going to be a nice character. He
doesn’t like the family that works for Tuna and he does all her dirty work including spying
on her husband Demir (Murat Aygen) who she is extremely obsessed and jealous of.

The next day we see Melek (Ebru Ozkan) working in the family shop with her son Cem
(Mustafa Mert Koc) and her daughter Verda (Aybuke Pusat) they are hugely in debt and
behind with rent being chased by the landlord. Melek received a call saying that her father
has died. She and her children go to his home which is, of course, the home of Tuna and
Demir. On arrival, the relationship between Melek and Tuna is obviously strained but there
is a moment where Melek and Demir look at each other and it’s obvious they have some

The lawyer arrives, Erkan (Kaan Tasner) he drops the hint that Uncle Mithat actually made
a change to his will four months before. Of course, Tuna isn’t happy and asks him to read
the will there and then, which he does. Mithat has left the cottage and Seb-i Verda to

Melek. Tuna is astounded and not happy. She immediately oers to buy them both from
Melek. The lawyer also has a letter for Melek from her father but Tuna says she will give it
to her. She doesn’t and reads it. It is her father apologising and forgiving Melek and
wanting her to take over Seb-i Verda. Tuna tears it up and puts it in the bin.

Throughout the episode, we see ashbacks where the history of the family is shown. Melek
when young comes across her father, Mithat kissing his friend’s wife. The friend then kills
his wife and commits suicide. His children a young Tuna and her sister Ceylan are adopted
by him probably from a guilty conscience. While Tuna knows that this is what happened to
her parents Ceylan doesn’t, she believes they were killed in a vehicle accident. They are
brought up as equals with Melek but Tuna is very jealous of her.

Melek was disowned by her father. She was in love with Demir, but Tuna was so jealous
she told her father lies about Melek and he got angry but when Melek told him that she
had seen him kiss his friend’s wife and was responsible for their deaths he hits her and
disowns her. Tuna straight away makes a play for Demir and they get together, although
Im sure there will be more to this as Demir doesn’t appear stupid, he loved Melek it’s
obvious so I’m sure Tuna used some underhand tactics to get him to marry her.

We meet Efe (Boran Kuzum) for the rst time. Obviously, a ladies man as he turns up with
Turkey’s top model. Who obviously Tuna his Mum doesn’t approve of. He takes an interest
in Verda and soon dismisses the model to his best friend Baris.

At the funeral the press arrive shouting questions at Melek, they had obviously been
tipped o by someone, probably Tuna, but it backres when Demir grabs Melek and drives
her away. The past between them is made a little clearer. They obviously really liked each
other but Melek leaving (due to Tuna) stopped the relationship. Verda while making a
sandwich comes across the ripped up letter from Tunas room, she puts it together and
shows her Mum. Making it clear that Tuna is hiding things and probably in the past too.

Cem who is a little obsessed with money approaches his Aunt and says that the family has
debt and she should rethink and increase her oer for the house and business. Melek
overhears Ceylan and Tuna arguing. Ceylan who appears nice and not at all like her sister
blames her for the issues between Melek and her father, Tuna confesses and Melek walks
in the room. Tuna is bold about it and tries to turn it round like it was Meleks fault for not
ghting for her place in the family or for Demir.

Its time for Melek, Cem and Verda to leave, as they do Tuna appears and blurts out that
Cem has said about the debt issues and wanted more money, so she will double her oer
for them and the lawyer will see to the details. She turns to walk away and Melek calls her
back. She tells her that she won’t be selling anything and will keep the business and also
live in the house.

So that’s where episode one ends. There are obviously lots of secrets that are being hidden
from people that will impact the future. Melek and Demir still have feelings for each other
that’s obvious, but with Yilmaz, as Tuna’s right-hand man just how far will she go to make
sure they dont get together. Who was recording Tuna and Deniz moving the body? Was it
Mete? Was it Yilmaz her right-hand man? Both could use it to blackmail her if needed in the

I enjoyed the first episode. We had a good insight into the web of secrecy and lies being
told and hidden. The ratings were low, but starting a series in November when other series
are already well underway with loyal viewers is a risk. I hope they give it a fair chance as it
has got the potential to be a great series.


Zerrin TekindorTuna Akdora
Ebru ÖzkanMelek Özden
Boran KuzumEfe Akdora
Aybüke PusatVerda Özden
Murat AygenDemir Akdora

Where to watch

Turkish Language
Youtube | Puhu Tv

English Subtitles
Various Websites are Translating this series in English subtitles. Below are the links to the site.

Not Available


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