Destan Episode 25 English Subtitles Update

Destan Episode 25 starring Ebru Sahin, Edip Tepeli, and Burak Tozkoparan released on 31st May 2022 at 20:00 on ATV.

Destan Episode 25 Gallery

What will happen in Destan Episode 25 English Subtitles?

Akkız and Batuga’s hearts are connected

With the assignment of Arçuray, Batuga and Akkız set out to deliver the crown to Ulu Kam Esrigün for safekeeping. When they arrived at Esrigün Kam’s tent, Akkız and Batuga, who were unexpectedly heralded for each other, tied a belt and announced their union by Esrigün Kam. How will this new situation of our lovers resonate in Gök Saray? Will the lovers be able to meet this time?

Palace game of the Itbaraks

The Itbaraks had sneaked into the Sky Palace, killed the Gokbens, and burned the herbs they had prepared, leaving the rooms of Alpagu Khan, Temur, and Kaya Tegins under smoke. What will be the fate of Alpagu Han, Temur and Kaya, who were knocked out by the smoke? Will the descendants of the Gök Khanate survive this assassination attempt harmlessly, or will they pay the price?

The khanate lineage is in danger

Itbaraks, who sought Barak Khan’s crown in the palace, knocked out Alpagu Khan, Temur and Kaya Tegins for their new game. Faced with the scourge of the Itbaraks’ new game, chepir poison, Alpagu Han is faced with two stalemates. Either the Khan will give the crown to Obar for the life of his descendants, or he will give up his own life and the lives of his sons for the sake of the Turkish nation. In the face of this impasse, will Akkız and Batuga’s plan to get rid of the scourge troubles be successful?

Destan Episode 25 Gallery 2

Wrath of ambushed Obar

As if it wasn’t enough that Obar lost the crown with the ambush set for him, Batuga, whom he had set up and left to die, reappeared as the Double-Headed Wolf, causing all Itbaraks to be horrified. However, what will be Obar’s new plans for the crown, who lost the war after Batuga wound Obar with a dagger?

The hope of the Turks is the double-headed wolf

The Double-Headed Wolf Batuga, the reborn Akkız, Alpagu Khan, and Temur had saved the Kaya Tegins from the Itbaraks. What will Batuga, announced by Gök Tengri as the Gök Khanate, do to meet the expectations? Will Batuga, who was declared a Tegin to unite the Turks, restore the Gök Horda to its former power and take the Western Sky from the Itbaraks?

Ulu Ece’s new moves

Ulu Ece, who threatened Günseli with her life, saw an unexpected response from Günseli and found herself in prison. What will be the new moves of Ulu Ece, who escaped from the dungeon with Alpagu Han’s cooperation offer? Will old friendships or new enmities be formed in the palace?

Cholpan Khan seeks revenge

The Itbaraks who entered the Sky Palace clashed with Saltuk and Çolpan. The Itbaraks had shot and killed Yasavulu Saltuk of the Sky Horde in the back. How will Çolpan Han take his revenge on the Itbaraks, who lost his love, Saltuk, whom he could not meet?

Mei Jin risking her life for her love

Mei Jin, who has had loving feelings for her since hearing the news of the death of her housemate Temur, therefore saved Akkız and cooperated with her. Mei Jin, who played a key role in the ambush set up in Obar to win Temur’s love, will she be able to win Temur’s love, which she learned to live? Will their marriage remain a political marriage, or will a home emerge from this marriage?

Destan Last Episode Summary

The millennial reckoning begins again

Batuga, who started to move his hands at the end of Kam Arçuray’s treatments, then opened his eyes and woke up to a new beginning. How will Batuga’s new life differ from the old one? As if reborn, Batuga swears that he will fight the Itbaraks to save the Gök Khanate, but Akkız will be his companion on this path. Who will be the winner of the war between the Gök Khanate and the Itbaraks, who faced each other in a great war for the first time after the Oghuz Khan period? Which surprise name will determine the end of the war? Will the Double-Headed Wolf and his Claw be able to survive this life-or-death battle?

Female wolf in the cage

Akkız, Yaman, and Sırma took great risks to find the crown of Barak Khan, the ancestor of the Itbaraks, to save Batuga and the Gök Khanate. They were locked in the room by the injured Gökben. Who will be the surprise name that saves Akkız and her friends from this pressure?

Batuga confesses his love to Akkız

Batuga and Akkız, who have had feelings for each other since their childhood, have come this close to being happy together for the first time after all the troubles they have been through. What danger awaits the Double-Headed Wolf and his Claw, who are intoxicated with Batuga’s confession of his love?

Kaya and Obar created a game within the game

Obar did not kill Alpagu by not keeping his promise to Kaya but kept it as a trump card. Learning this, Kaya went to Obar’s tent to settle accounts with Obar. How will this showdown, witnessed by Alpagu in the next room, end? Who will be the winner of this game within the game?

A Great Ece on the brink of death

When the great Ece Vera learned from Yibek that Günseli was not pregnant, she gave him a dagger to kill herself. Will Günseli, who is helpless with the dagger in her hand, prefer the dagger or Kaya’s wrath after learning the truth? How will Kaya and Günseli’s relations be affected by this situation at the end of this whole process?

An inn caught between captivity and betrayal

What will Alpagu do when he hears that Obar and Kaya made a deal while he was in captivity, in the face of his son’s betrayal? In which situation will Alpagu Khan make his first move? Captivity or betrayal?

Destan All Episodes English Subtitles

Destan − Epic (TV Series 2021) – Synopsis and Cast

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